ODC Strives for Responsibility & Excellence


ODC, OIL DEPOSITS CORUNNA, S.L. strives to be a RESPONSIBLE Organization through a Good Corporate Governance and to provide EXCELLENCE through an Integrity Quality Management and Best Available Techniques and Best Practices.


Responsibility - Good corporate governance  by establishing a management structure and mechanism with the organization to create a framework for Shareholders, the Management, and the Team and to serve the best interests.

ODC is committed to being a good corporate citizen and conducting ourselves in an ethical and responsible manner.

ODC inter departmental Compliance Plan and individual Plans under each Department represent our dedication to integrity and transparency, and our emphasis on environment, safety, and ethics.

We are highly committed to local and International Ethical and Regulatory compliance, implementing the strictest regulation available, and going beyond requirements if considered appropriate.

Our responsibility is a live objective, thus Plans are developed, implemented and revised continually, to operate our assets safely and to protect the public, our Team, contractors and the environment.


Excellence - Integrity quality management and best available techniques and best practice efforts revert in performance to the consistently standard expected by the Customers, maximizing operational and cost efficiency and competitiveness through continuous control and improvement.


We endeavor our efforts on Integrity Quality Management through BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUE (BAT) and BEST PRACTICES on every Department.


We continue to review, implement and review and improve, Customers can rely to be provided with unsurpassed service.

We will distinguish ourselves with industry leading operational performance above that of our industry peers’ relative to environmental, health and safety measures.